+256 774 015 236
Become a Partner
A recently published D-prize article highlights that over the last two decades, the world has enrolled millions of previously out-of-school children in primary school.
But attendance has not improved learning outcomes. In many resource-limited countries over 50% of Grade 2 students are unable to read a single word of a short text or perform two-digit subtraction. See UNICEF document.
This is because the School systems are not well designed to address the needs of students. For example, throughout school, children are grouped according to age and are often moved to new grades regardless of learning level. Teachers often use a prescribed curriculum which frequently disfavors students who are not yet at that learning level, and they fall further behind. Here is a “normal” reading lesson plan illustrating the gaps in the learning sequence. See World bank article.
Children who miss key concepts in the early grades often never have a chance to catch up, no matter how many years they spend in school. As a result, investments made by governments, communities, and parents to get children into schools will go to waste for millions of students. Teaching at the Right Level tailors instruction to the learning level of the child, rather than their age. The result is that basic literacy and numeracy are achieved by students before they finish primary school. See Poverty Action lab article.
This makes it justifiable to say that many children desperately need extra support beyond what the school system can provide. Despite availing better options for as low as $2-3, it is estimated that 1 out of 1000 low-income families can sustainably afford our low-cost services, leaving out the majority of kids as their parents are forced to forego the services because they can not afford them.
To reach children from the most underprivileged and extremely poor families, we offer free community-based literacy camps. However, since we are still under-resourced, we are forced to leave out many kids as the camp turn-up is usually overwhelming. We introduced the sponsorship scheme to fundraise money all year round so we can sustainably offer highly subsidized services to single-income or parent families and free services to kids from very poor families. You too can transform a life once you decide to partner with us.
How to become a partner.
Sponsor a child.
Would you or your organization like to showcase your programs and products? Sponsor a village or community literacy camp!
Become a monthly or one-time individual donor or sponsor for a child or group of children.
You can also contribute towards or provide reading materials like kids’ story books, crafts, and library resources to use during community camps. Your support is instrumental in helping us make this happen.
You can sign up to become a Community literacy camp facilitator, mentor, or technical support volunteer, by sending us an email
If you are a reading instructor, educator, tutor, librarian, reading specialist, etc, Please spare 15-25 minutes to take part in an ongoing survey to help us serve educators and families better.