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Securing a better future often starts with a quality education. Driven to give children the best foundation for life, many parents struggle to find the right school before and during the ‘back to school’ season. With numerous schools promising quality and international education, it can be challenging to discern what to look for and who genuinely offers the proclaimed value. If you’re experiencing this dilemma, this blog is for you. Before diving into tips for selecting a quality learning center, it’s crucial to understand what learning is and isn’t.
What do you know and understand about learning?
If asked to close our eyes and picture learning in a classroom, we envision rows of desks. Some desks are wooden, others plastic, and a few are cushioned. All are neatly arranged facing a large black or whiteboard. At the front stands a teacher, a beacon of knowledge, captivating wide-eyed students who eagerly absorb every word. The students diligently copy down paragraphs from the board, intent on reciting and committing them to memory for upcoming exams.
The Science of Learning
The good news is, scientific research shows that learning is a process that occurs in the brain. Imagine the brain as a network of tiny balls (neurons) connected by cobweb-like strings (neural pathways). The neural pathways transfer messages we collect from our environment through our senses across the brain network. Each time we encounter a new experience, a new pathway, (web string), forms between two neurons. The more we repeat this experience, the stronger the string becomes, much like a path that gets clearer the more it’s traveled. Conversely, if we stop practicing, the string weakens over time.
Traditional/Rote learning
The prevalent educational method many of us grew up with, and which our children still endure, is known as rote learning. This approach involves reciting and memorizing facts to reinforce neural pathways in the brain. Assessing a child’s ability to reproduce memorized information using written exams, and then reflecting the results on a report card is often seen as the measure of their ‘learning.’
The limitations of rote learning in a rapidly changing modern world.
While rote learning aids in recalling crucial details like names, dates, phone numbers, etc., it often results in gaps in learning and soft skills, limiting the children’s overall potential. For instance, teaching children to memorize the parts of a gardening tool like a hoe, without exploring, and understanding its effectiveness, diminishes their ability to innovate and improve designs later in life. These gaps and challenges persist into adulthood, as graduates struggle to transition into the workforce. Furthermore, rapid technological progress has rendered memorizing less valuable in an era where information is readily accessible.
Teaching children to memorize the parts of a gardening tool like a hoe, without exploring, and understanding its effectiveness, diminishes their ability to innovate and improve designs later in life.
Evaluating a Learning Center for Your Child.
When considering a learning center for your child, visit the site and observe how learning takes place. Speak with the school staff, and ask them to share their insights about learning. If you’re concerned that your child’s current or prospective educational center relies solely on rote learning, you might question its effectiveness. This blog aims to help you recognize quality learning methods to inform your decision-making process. Stay tuned as we explore alternative learning approaches in future posts.